Fischbein are the inventors of this type of portable bag closers / bag stitchers. All other Portable Bag Closers / Bag Stitchers are inspired from this one. Today Fischbein is the Premium Brand in Bag Closer / Bag Stitchers Sewing Machines. Specifications Improved cam: increased life time More resistant bushings: increased life […]
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Fischbein Empress 200 High Speed Bag Closer for use with pedestal systems. You can close bags from 300 bags per hours and up. Specifications: High speed sewing head used for plain sewing Maximum speed: 2600 stitches/min Compact design Variable speed pulley (diameter: 87mm mini / 127mm maxi), for easy synchronisation with conveyor speed. Low noise […]
In 1910, Dave Fischbein began a business in Minneapolis, MN of buying, selling and servicing industrial sewing machinery. As the business grew he added mechanics and other necessary support personnel. Over time the business expanded to supply equipment to such industries as animal feed, flour milling, chemicals, fertilizer and other food processing operations. In 1943 […]
Newlong Industrial (NLI) is a producer and developer of a diversity of packaging solutions. Historically Newlong contributed to the development of the automation packaging technology since the establishment of Newlong 1941. Newlong Industries has developed the packaging systems needed for various manufactured goods such as food packaging, daily necessaries, fertilizer packaging, chemical packaging and much […]
English Union Special is the oldest, largest and last Industrial Sewing Machine manufacturing company remaining in the United States, producing “Finest Quality” sewing machines and parts from casting to finished product all under one roof. Products include a wide variety of sewing machines and parts for the Non-Apparel & Hosiery industries. Bag Making & Closing, […]
The Newlong Ind. DD5 is a Heavy Duty Low cost, High Performance Free Feed Sewing Machine. Bag Mending Machine, Single Needle, Plain Feed, Flat Bed, Single Thread Used to Repair and Sew Extra Heavy Materials such as Jute Bags and Polypropylene (PP) Big Bags , Container Bags, FIBC (Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container), Belts and integration […]
Bag Sewing Europe sells pedestal solutions for the individual or small farmer. Solutions ideal for the small farmer wanting to close there own bags in a professional way or a home grown company. Bag Sewing Europe verkoopt pedestal en tafel oplossingen voor het verpakkingen van kleine zakken. Ideaal voor de kleine zelfstandige en boer en […]