Author Archives: admin

Newlong Industrial DS-9A Bag Sewing Machine

The Newlong Industrial DS-9A main feature is the mechanically operated continuously running thread cutter. No compressed air or PLC  is needed. Machine can run continuesly in a simple setup or with a foot operated switch (Pedal) Usage of Newlong DS-9A This machine is ideal for operating with an operator that pushes the thread into the cutter. The […]

Fischbein (USA)

Bag Sewing Europe provides parts and machines from Fischbein for the Bag Closing industry. For more than 100 years Fischbein has designed, manufactured and supported, high quality, innovative bag sealing equipment to a worldwide customer base. Through the Fischbein family of brands – Fischbein, Saxon, and Inglett we provide a full range of bag filling, […]

Union Special (Chicago, USA)

Bag Sewing Europe provides clients with Union Special parts of finest quality. The iron Giant from Huntley (Chicago). Established in 1881, Union Special is the oldest, largest and last remaining Industrial Sewing Machine manufacturing company remaining in the United States, producing “Finest Quality” sewing machines and parts from casting to finished product all under one […]

SEW Eurodrive motors

Bag Sewing Europe provides and suggest on demand German Sew Eurodrive motors for use with our equipment (Sewing heads, pedestal) such as: Newlong Ind. DS-9c, Union Special BC211, Fischbein Empress 100 and other pedestal mounted sewing heads. SEW-Eurodrive is a German manufacturing company founded by Christian Pähr in 1931 as Süddeutsche Elektromotoren Werke. Today, it […]

Newlong Industrial NP-7A hordozható zsákvarrógép

Ipari kivitelű, gyors, Newlong Industrial NP-7A típusú zsákvarrógép olajozórendszerrel. Alkalmas mezőgazdaságban, iparban használatos zsákok lezárásához, a zsák szájának levarrásához. Igény esetén rugós függesztővel, “C” akasztóval is rendelhető. A varrógéphez cérnát is beszerezhet a Pécsi Mérlegstúdió Kft -től. Jellemzők: Automatikus szálvágás Nátronpapír, pamut, juta, PP/PE szövött zsákok varrásához Mezőgazdasági termékek, takarmányok, műtrágyák, lisztek, zsákos kiszerelések lezásárához […]