Category Archives: Uncategorized

Needles Organ (Japan)

The Needle at one time it was used as a stylus to reproduce musical notes, then it came across fibers, and later microelectronics. Out of these encounters, the technology of manufacturing needles has evolved into what it is today. It’s a history of the development of a variety of leading-edge technologies. Bag Sewing Europe sells […]

Newlong Industrial NP-7a Portable Bag Closer

The Newlong Industrial from Japan. The highest Quality for the best price from Japan. Big Bulk gives us the price advantage to this amazing rugged portable Bag Sewing machine. All moving parts (CE) have safety covers making it the most safe portable bag closer to work with wherever you are in Europe or Abroad. Bag […]

Newlong Industrial DS-9C Sewing Machine

DS-9C High Speed Bag Closer head with Build in Shear knives to cut Thread and Crepe Tape. High Speed, Self Lubricated, Low Maintenance Bag Closer / Bag Stitcher. Main Feature: Standard able to cut through Crepe tape with pneumatic cutter. Single and Double Needle(s) High Speed Bag Closing / Bag Stitcher Suitable for closing bag […]