Bag Sewing Europe sells Big Bags for you to buy with every opening and closing in use.
Besides the Sewing Machines that make Big Bags we also sell the Big Bags. Big Bags are flexible ‘container’ bags also Known as FIBC (Flexibel Intermediate Bulk Container), which can carry a weight of 500 up to 2000 kg!.
Our suppliers comply with all modern requirements in the area of HACCP and AIB standardizations. no order is to big or too small for us.
From our stock we’re able to deliver big bags in all desired specifications in stock or within a time limit of two weeks, Bag Sewing Europe also delivers made custom made Big Bags as well as anti-static Big Bags.
Anti Static
Anti-Static Big Bags can be of essential importance for save discharging and loading of the goods inside. A static load can lead to explosions of flammable substances. By using Type C and D Big Bags these risks are limited to a minimum.
Big Bags can almost always be custom made so that the bags comply with all your requirements. Our Big Bags are always Quality Labeled
Big Bags consist completely of polypropylene; because of this, they’re recyclable and can be used multiple times if needed.
The Big Bags can be printed with the logos and texts of your company. This can be done double sided and in multiple colors.
- Big Bags can be used many times
- Big Bags are made of Woven Polypropylene and can be recycled.
- A big bag (FIBC) can carry from 500 kilogram(kg) up to 2000 kilogram(kg)!
- Big Bags can be printed with your logo double sides and in Multiple colors
- Anti Static Big Bags available (Type C and D)
- No order to big or too smal
- HACCP and AIB standardizations
- Possibility to make anti Static Bags
Are you a Big Bag Maker? We can offer you the best prices in Machines.
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